A dozens of organizations and community leaders attended the first
training workshop organized by the Communication Group Improvement
Society COMGRIS INC, led by Fabiola Goris, Sabino Peralta and Pedro
Alvarez , held in the Bronx, last Saturday, August 30th.
Fabiola Goris, who is an expert in nonprofit organizations, led the workshop. Not only did it answer the concerns of attendees, but also opened the door for our Hispanic organizations to begin to have success in their community purposes. The passion to serve as leaders of organizations is an important factor in the success of them, Goris said.
Pedro Alvarez meanwhile, stepped in to provide details of the legal requirements, State and Federal, for the incorporation and operation of NGOs. In addition, Alvarez welcomed and appreciated the presence and participation of Vanessa Gibson, Councilman for the 16th council district of the Bronx, who was the guest speaker.
Councilwoman Gibson told the audience about the opportunities that community organizations have to access city resources for the implementation of projects and programs of social interest.
Also Councilwoman was quite interested in supporting nonprofit organizations that live in her district, and pledged to support with the resources needed for the next professional development workshops, which will be specialized in seven areas: 1. Management for the Non Profit 2. Funding Proposal 3. Audience Development & Marketing 4. Fund-raising 5. Special Events (Festivals, Galas, Fair, Presentations, Workshops, etc) 6. Budgeting for Non Profits 7. Legal Aspects and Expertise

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